Monday, March 21, 2016

What Makes A Person Successful?

I think my whole life I've been told to set goals. Dream big and achieve your dreams. (Insert the dreamy music and starry graphics.) But is dreaming, wishing and hoping all that it takes to achieve what you want? I've read a ton of books on mind over matter, changing your mindset, manifesting your thoughts and the likes. I've done a few at home marketing businesses in my lifetime as well, and still do. In each, the same questions have come up...What's Your Why?

Why do we fail at our dreams and visions of what we want. I've asked myself that a million times. Each time the dreaded "G" word comes up. I've already said the hated, dreaded and often misunderstood and under used "G" word. GOALS.

But as I mentor people in both my businesses, DoTerra and my nutrition business, I have found that those who succeed have a common thread. So l want to teach you this secret, if you will, to success. (ha! So I guess it won't be the secret anymore.)

Me before I started focusing on working out.

Me 25 pounds lighter, modeling, mentoring and goal setting.

What's the difference in these pictures? The girl in the first picture did not set goals and did not know how to get from point A to point B. At that point in my life, I wanted to change but didn't know how. The thought in my head was, that's ok...I'm getting older. This is what happens as you get older.

Far from the truth! Hog wash! I realized that I no longer wanted to be that girl. When I started DoTerra, I was told to find my why and to set goals. I've always had a bucket list. I thought, ok. I want to make money, I want to help support my family and take the burden off of my husband...whom by the way has always let me follow my "crazy in the moment ideas". When I started working out and joined an online workout/nutrition program...I was advised to set goals for myself. And now in my nutrition studies...a whole chapter has been about understanding your clients, developing their why and helping them set up realistic goals.

Why are they so important? I'm sure you're thinking, "get to the point now Meg." 

Goals are like promises to yourself, but even better. Let's first talk about what a goal is not. 

I hope to lose weight.
I would like to look HOT.
I wish I could make more money.
I would like to be financially secure.
I want a good job.

Do you see the common thread? I want.

Lets look at this chart. These statements are not solid goals because of two things. One, they are not specific and two they do not have a deep meaning. Without a deep meaning (insert your WHY here), the goals are unlikely to become anything but a thought in your mind. I will get to the point right now. Let's talk about healthy goals and what they look like.

Goals Must Be Put In Writing
If your goal isn't in writing or recorded, it's not a goal...It's a dream. What? A dream? You mean I've been dreaming of my dream home and you're telling me that I won't get it unless I write it down, Meg?
Yes! I'm not telling you that you cannot have your dream home. I'm telling you to set your goals on how you want to achieve your dream home. Take out a pretty piece of stationary or take an inspirational picture and WRITE you goal on it. Post it in your home where you can see it on a regular basis. Wishes and dreams are nice, but they usually do not come true without a action plan.

Have Specific and Measurable Goals
Take a look at the goals I made earlier. I hope to lose weight. Can I measure my success with this statement? Yes, but is there a better statement? YES! I want to lose 25 pounds of fat! I can measure my weight loss. And I can write down the first sentience but which goal sounds more believable? I tell my clients and mentees (yes...that's a real word) to believe it...own it. Say it like you mean it!! I WANT TO LOSE 25 POUNDS! (now...write it like you mean it! lol.) We can measure this goal. We can see it happening. The scale doesn't lie.

Goals Have a Timeline
So let's look at the example I've been using. Let's break it down even more. I want to lose 25 pounds in 6 months. WOW!! Look at your goal! It's shaping up nicely...just like you figure will in 6 months! I'm sure you're asking, "Why do I need to do all of this. Can't I just have a goal?!" Well,  timelines make it real! Without a timeline, you're still wishing and hoping.

Goals Must Be Realistic
Looking at our working goal, I feel this is a realistic goal. But we have to look at each individual person and how their goal fits in with their level of commitment. You might need to break your goals down into smaller...more achievable goals. That's ok. Set the big goal and make smaller benchmark goals and be sure to reward yourself when you hit them! But there is one more piece of the puzzle...

Know Your Why
Not everyday at the gym is peachy. There are days I got to the gym kicking and screaming.  Well...maybe in my head. But I go. I go because of my why. What? You want to know what my why is? ok...I'll tell you. I want to compete in a bikini bodybuilding competition this summer! just got real. lol. I work out because I want to be healthy for my family. I chose natural products, eat healthy and organic to take care of my body. Besides, I only get one in my lifetime. I blog about my experiences because I know there are women out there that struggle with weight like I do. Why not share my ups and downs.

I hope you like goals now. I didn't before. But goals are like the wheels on a locomotive.  Once you start's hard to stop them.

Until the next go set your goals!

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