Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Today, the sturggle is real...

These past two weeks have been tough getting to the gym. It's not because I didn't want to, but our family was hit with the stomach bug. All thought everyone bounced back within 24 hours, I did not. As I am preparing for my first bikini competition, this is a set back. I've spent the past 8 days wanting to get back to my daily workout. I truly find myself missing them.

This lead me to think about a few things about us as moms and women in general. Working out and eating right are a priority for me. I don't really think about it as taking time away from my family, but as improving my quality of life to be there for my family for the long haul. (Maybe they will like that, maybe they won't! ha!)  But life happens and we need to take care of our bodies. I chose to do so naturally and care about what goes in and on my body.

As I write, I am thinking about how all this is intertwined in our lives as moms and how much we beat ourselves up for failing...or not hitting whatever benchmark we see is acceptable. We all have "that" mom in our children's school. You know...The one who always dresses so cute, everything is together, her crafts are the best, her cupcakes are perfect little bunny buns on the top. And when you go to her home, everything is in perfect order. Ha! Ask some of my daughter's friends from early school years and they would tell you that was me...not so much anymore. I'm still looking for the coffee mug that says world's okest mom!

Yep, that's me. I used to be embarrassed about it. But when you look at how many hats we wear as mom, being ok at most things isn't so bad. I'm a business owner, taxi driver, coach, mentor, example, chef, maid (even thought i make my kids do their own laundry and clean their own rooms and bathrooms!), personal shopper, nurse, counselor...the list could go on and on.

Looking back on all of these things that I am...and it's not a complete list by any stretch of the imagination, I get worn out. Who said we need to be successful at everything we do as parents? NOT me!

I encourage you women to embrace your okest self! Chose the things you succeed at and do them! I have decided to not feel guilty about not going to the gym for the past 8 day. I have accepted that my body need to rest. And today!! I'm's time to go back, rested and ready to kick some booty!

My point in this is that sometimes our bodies are trying to tell us to rest. Rest is important. When I began my new workout routine, I was hitting all kinds of PR's. But then, it just stopped. I know that with the rest I've had, I will be able to hit the gym hard and continue my success!

Don't beat yourself up ladies! I have 3 rules for the gym:

Be Present
Be Respectful
Always Do Your Best

What does this mean? Well first, I have to say that these are not my words. I love the Covey family and have worked with Johnny Covey. He teaches you how to mentor yourself with what he calls the head to heart experiences. 

Being present means just that. Be fully in the moment. Whether you are with your kids or your husband or in the gym. Set aside everything else and focus on what you are doing NOW. What this looks like to me is putting my phone down when my kids are around. Or ending work when my husband comes home.

Being respectful isn't just about being respectful to the people around us. As moms, we forget to be respectful of ourselves. We are pulled every which way. There is nothing wrong with saying no to something. I think being respectful to myself is taking care of myself. That is one of the reasons I workout and eat clean. And I love teaching people how to do the same. 

The last one is my favorite. When you are present, and respectful...I don't think you could NOT do your best. But your best may not look the same each time. When I was hitting new PR's on squat and deadlifts, I was so excited...I could see being my best. I was adding weights each time and devouring each step. But at some point...I just could not physically lift more. Did that mean that I wasn't giving it my best? No. (All thought I know I was beating myself up over it.) Sometimes our best isn't the best that we HAVE done, or breaking our record or improving. Our best changes with each day, each second, each thing we do. And it's something that constantly changes.

Sometimes, if I'm not present...and I don't know it, at the end of my workouts I ask myself if I left anything on the table. Meaning, could I have done more? If I answered yes...I ask myself if I was present, respectful and my best. Most of the time, I was not one of them. 

I'm not saying you should always have a stellar workout. Your best will look different each workout. Maybe your best was getting out of the house with a coffee stain on your wrinkled workout shirt and getting on the treadmill for 20 minutes. If you gave it your is your best.

Follow these simple rules in all aspects of your life and you WILL see changes. Changes that you never thought would happen!

Until my next blog...Be real with yourself!

(If you are interested in learning more about the Johnny Covey Head to Heart experience contact me!)

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