Wednesday, March 16, 2016

I've Got Goals

I realized that I started blogging when my children were young but never nurtured the blog and honestly, forgot all about it. When I went in to read my posts on my old blog, I was sad that I did not continue it. The content was honest, and from the heart. It was nice to see a gimps into a few days as a mother of small children. Ironically, the posts were about working out and the struggle of finding time to work out and take care of myself with two babies under the age of two under my feet. lol.

Now my children are older and now can function on their own. But oh how I wish I would have continued blogging. But looking back through all that I have achieved from then until now, I've come a long way.

Back then, when they were much younger than the picture above, I was a yoga instructor and enjoyed working out. Recreational workouts were the norm for me. But then, I think it was so that I could just have a little time to myself.

Later, when the kids could function on their own,  I took up running. It was an amazing feeling to progress from not even being able to run a quarter mile to running 10 miles!! That love, began to spawn an interest in sprint triathlons.  Little did I know that was an expensive sport. But I loved it! I quickly found out that running was not my strong sport. But what I lost in running, I quickly made up in bike and swim.

Me at Spa Girl Tri
Me at Women Rock 10k
I loved tris, they were for sure my favorite sport, but I was NOT happy with how I looked!!! I spent 3 hours a day training run, biking and swimming and still carried more fat than I wanted! Yep...that's a mimosa in my hand. Because why else would you run? lol. Oh and the diamond you get after that race. :)

I had the same mentality as most people..."I need to lose fat. So I will eat less and burn more calories." NO NO NO NO! What I didn't realize was that this mentality was the COMPLETE opposite of what I needed!

WAAAAATTTT?! Hold up, Meg...did you just say I could lose weight AND eat?!  Oh yes I did!! My sweet hubby kept tell me to eat and head to the gym to lift weights. I kept telling him that I didn't want to look like Aronld Schwarzenegger! I was assured that I would not look like a woman you would be afraid of in a dark alley.

So off I started...And I looked like the majority of the women in the weight room. Follow my husband/boyfriend around the gym and let him pick the size weights for me. Pump however many sets and reps he wanted me to do and move on to the next exercise.

But something just clicked with me. It stirred up another item to put on my bucket list. One thing that I felt might be unattainable but worth being consistent in the gym about. I decided that I wanted to compete in a bikini body building competition. I didn't say that I wanted to become a pro, but maybe someday. I just wanted to be able to compete and be successful.

I don't hate this pic anymore. It shows me how far I've come!

What do I mean when I say successful. I don't mean to win it, all though that would be awesome! But feel confident of what I have accomplished over the past 2 years. I won't lie, I've had ups and downs. I've been sick and lost a month of training. I've moved and struggled emotionally with that and it effected my workouts. But now, I am consistent and I see progress.

Me last week! I am getting closer to choosing a date for competition!
This blog is not here to brag. It's not here for gawkers. I am just a mother of two active children, a wife, and a business owner of two businesses and I am trying to make progress with my workouts. I pray that this blog encourages others that struggle with the daily grind and finding time to workout.

This blog will be about natural body building for women, because I have tried to find information about natural body building and was frustrated with all the searches. But it's not just about bodybuilding, but being healthy...naturally, organically. Besides, are we not organic ourselves?

Until the next persistent and consistent.

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