Saturday, April 9, 2016

Seriously...I'm going to talk about consistency? Sheesh...

I know I've been silent for about a week. I've been taking my nutrition final exam. It seems like my life has been consumed by this test. But I'm finally come out of the cave and seeing light. Spring is in the air and yes, we fired up the hot tub twice this week to celebrate.

All of the reading and studying and mathematical equations to remember while I'm working with people to become a confident in their skin, is going to pay off. But I would not have been able to do it without being consistent.

I know, insert eye roll...everything is about consistency. Consistency is important in every aspect of our life. If I'm not consistent in taking my kids to school, they don't do well in school. If I don't make dinner every day for my family...they don't eat (ha! I doubt that...but you get my point!). If I am not consistent in my diet, I will not get consistent results in my weight loss or gain. If I don't go to the gym 5 days a week every week, I risk losing the muscle I've worked so hard to obtain.

I think you get my point...

Being consistent means to you have a measurable goal. You have to work at something on a regular basis to see the results. A good visual example of this is an onion. It starts as a seedling.

And grows into the beautiful onion we buy at the store. (Organic of course!)

As you can see, the onion grows in layers based upon being consistent in watering, good nutrients in the soil and sunlight. If one of these elements is missing, you will not have the beautiful layers of the onion.
So it is true about our efforts with nutrition and exercise. This is where we all fall off the diet and exercise wagon. Life is hard, workouts are hard to commit to. But if you truly want to change, to make yourself the best you can be, you have to be consistent.

Consistency also allows you to be accountable for your actions. I know, you're thinking...hold on Meg, how on earth is this possible?  Well...let me explain...

First, defines consistency as this:

1. a degree of density, firmness, viscosity, etc.
2. steadfast adherence to the same principles, course, form, etc.
3. agreement, harmony or compatibility, especially correspondence or uniformity among the parts of a complex thing.
4. the condition of cohering or holding together and retaining form; solidity or firmness.

 This is amazing! Don't we all want to be dense and firm?! Don't we all want to have uniformity among the parts of complex things (our bodies)?! Don't we all want to be able to hold on to that form that we have worked so hard to achieve?! lol. I make jokes, but isn't this true?

One of my last writings, I wrote about your calendar as your boss. These two things, I feel go hand in hand. We are human beings and naturally have a routine. If you say you don't, take a hard look at your routine. You do. We are also people who like to be orderly and organized. Those that are not, are usually frazzled or tend to procrastinate. (ooohhh...I'm taking about me. I am organized...but I could definitely be more organized!)

Here's the good news! We are made to have routines. And a routine is being consistent. Look at what you are being consistent at in your life. Are you being consistent at not making dinner and going out to eat a lot? What are your results? Are you working hard at your business and building clients? What are your results? Are you at the gym every day? Or 3 times a day? What are your results?

It's time to really look at your life and see what you are consistent at at this very moment. Ask yourself, What can I commit to? Be true to yourself. Just because I workout a lot, and I love weight lifting does not mean that you do! Find what you love. Explore! There are so many different ways to exercise. Do something you love or that you have a passion for. Discover something new. I think we are going to take our kids rock climbing soon. This is something neither of them have tried. I know new things can be scary, but what if...what if you find a new love that changes the way you live your life?!

I would love to hear about what you have found! Not only do I want to hear it, but I want to be motivated by it. Please share your experiences with trying new things in the comments below. Nothing motivates me more than hearing your stories!

Until the next blog...

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